Presentation at ASOR Annual Meeting

Juha Pakkala, co-director of the Kinneret Regional Project, presents on behalf of the project at the Annual Meeting of the American Schools in San Diego. The title of the lecture is “Kinneret Regional Project – The 2007 Field Season.”
This is the published abstract: The paper reports on the recent results of archaeological investigations at Tel Kinrot/Tell el-Oreimeh (ancient Kinneret) and its environs undertaken by the Dutch-German-Finnish-Swiss «Kinneret Regional Project» under the auspices of the Universities of Bern, Helsinki, Leiden and Mainz.
Kinneret – located on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee (Israel) – is emerging as one of the major sites for the study of urban life in the Iron Age IB in the Southern Levant in the dawn of the first Millennium BCE. Its material culture witnesses a lively and multilayered urban culture and shows a variety of cultural influences on the ancient population of the city.
Work concentrated in the past years on a large excavation field in the lower city with well-preserved Iron IB structures and installations. The architecture of those areas, belonging to the main Iron Age IB phase at Tel Kinrot, was fully exposed and subsequently prepared for conservation. The paper also presents the most recent finds, the results of current research programs and future developments within the «Kinneret Regional Project».